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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2020 in all areas

  1. ok.eccomi Ho letto la sezione Temi: ho installato CloverTHemeManager e ne ho installato uno. Al riavvio carica sempre quello di prima
    1 point
  2. Compatibility https://openintelwireless.github.io/itlwm/Compat.html
    1 point
  3. On second page of this thread you will find my config pretty similar to proxmox one only booter/quirks DevirtualizeMMIO on and patches in kernel the differences You can copy your proxmox efi on an usb pen with only the above differences
    1 point
  4. sostituisci e prova @tuxyArchivio.zip stavi usando una release obsoleta del kext BT poi ti ho inserito il kext per il wifi la release stable da poco rilasciata scarica e installa heliport
    1 point
  5. ICanaro ti ringrazio per la diritta sono riuscita istallarlo e mi vede senza installare Web driver anche la mia GT 9500 grazie 🙏
    1 point
  6. fai mostra contenuto pacchetto e vedi se l'eseguibile riporta quel nome
    1 point
  7. ho scritto di usare itlwmx.kext e non itlwm.kext basta leggere sul loro sito ExecutablePath del BT è errato il BT injector, mettilo prima dell'eseguibile
    1 point
  8. @tuxy posta la EFI nel thread del tuo ryzentosh che poi vedo
    1 point
  9. OK, I had to re-work a lot of stuff. It became too complicated to just give you back just a config.plist file, so I entered everything in to an EFI that is for your Xtreme mobo. This is derived from v061, just after v060 was made a release version, so it is really v060. It has the things that should also work for BS as well as Catalina. It is the not a debug version. This is the exact version I used to boot in Catalina bare metal for the first time. You added a lot things to the config files that shouldn't be there. I removed them as most are not necessary for any AMD or Intel mobo I've ever used. The order of SSDTs, kexts and drivers are important and you'd moved things around into orders that were not anything I'd uploaded or recommend. I've put them back into a better order. Your BT kext entries, I've left disabled; I don't have those files and anyhow I would recommend getting the system reliably booting before working on them. I also revised some new SSDT's for you as you were using some for other builds that wouldn't work. The only one that may not work is the Ethernet one, as it has a nested substitution. It should work, but since it's in a separate file, it won't interfere with other SSDT files, should it not. After booting, run IORE and save it. I can look at it later if there's a problem. (If you use a large SSDT, which does many things, and one part is broken, the whole SSDT won't work: it's better to have many SSDTs each doing a few things.) If at a later date, you want to modify stuff, make a copy of the config file that's working and leave the original alone so you have something to go back to that works. Better yet, kept a copy of what's working on a USB stick to be able to boot from that. I keep an EFI backup folder that contains every version I've worked on for each mobo. (The Spoiler below shows an excerpt from the TRX40 build of saved EFI folders.)
    1 point
  10. non stai scaricando la cosa giusta su github hanno leggermente modificato il layout, a parte quello che hai scaricato tu, che serve per chi se lo vuole compilare da solo, se togli il cappello davanti agli occhi 😁 vedrai sulla destra al centro della pagina, una scrittina.. Releases ecco, clicca li
    1 point
    Assolutamente indispensabile per chi vuole avere sempre OpenCore aggiornato/allineato con le novità in sviluppo. Necessita xcode installato. OpenCore_BootLoader_20_08_2238.zip OC 0.6.1 beta comprensivo di resources e audio IT
    1 point
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