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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2020 in all areas

  1. allora ho capito in pratica mi ha montato l'immagin di catalina che avevo gia in applicazioni perche dal link non me la fa scaricare ma parte subito l'installer di catalina exstrem maremmamaiala mandamelo almeno me lo installa lui
    1 point
  2. si ma a Klaus, il solo leggere sudo, gli partono i tergicristalli che ha sugli occhiali per rimuovere il sudore che gronda 🤣
    1 point
  3. se non sai come lavora, come puoi definire tradizionale o meno? E' una app nata quando è nato l'hackintosh, quindi è da un bel pezzo che è in giro, e che si può usare anche per fare una pendrive per installare macOS su un vero mac poi che faccia uguale identico al sistema create install questo non lo, ma non credo si discosti molto visto che è sempre li che non combina nulla, volevo offrirgli qualcosa di diverso, chissà mai che non gli fosse andato bene, ma il risultato alla fine è sempre identico 🙃
    1 point
  4. io avevo problemi con la taskbar solo prima di aver montato la fenvi per il wifi e BT, hai provato ad andare in preferenze di sistema per fare in modo che l'icona dell'audio appaia in taskbar? Hai verificato che ci siano uscite output valide (sebbene virtuali) dalle impostazioni della VM?
    1 point
  5. I've been asked how to make the Enermax Liqtech TR4 II stable, as it has a bad reputation on the internet. Many of these pumps have failed due to internal corrosion thought to be due to poor or non-existent anti-corrosion solution. Before using, I 'repaired' the cooler: first, by flushing out the radiator and pump housing, next by re-filling with a good quality, anti-corrosion solution, and finally, by re-surfacing the plate. I used these two videos as a start for the tear-down (the pump method is cleaner; I did the work in my kitchen sink): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luUwpbdYnaQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx-fhoB5Gyo I used this pump to flush the radiator several times with water before re-filling: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GR1HSR7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I used this solution (it's a concentrate; follow directions on bottle to dilute with water) to re-fill the radiator/pump: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CDXQ22M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I then re-surfaced the plate, as I already posted in this thread here, to make the surface flat to better transfer heat from the CPU. After the above steps, the pump works great with good thermals and it is very quiet. More importantly, after these 'repairs', the functionality and longevity should be much improved. BTW, the fans that come with the pump are actually very good and I did not replace with Noctua fans as originally planned. When setting pump speed in BIOS, you want to set the speed at a minimum of 2500 rpm (less than 2000, the pump won't work and the LEDs won't turn on: the LEDs are a good indicator that the pump is working). I think it's now running closer to 3000 rpm. If running at full speed (>4000 rpm), it is too fast and I think will shorten life-span of the pump. I mainly use fan speeds to vary cooling and keep sound at minimum when thermals are low.
    1 point
  6. There was another entry to adjust DROMs for TB SSDT files! This one actually works better (and is easier to use), than the one I posted earlier. See this post here. From this post, you can download "HackinDROM". If we can get TB passed, the best fit will probably be the Gigabyte Titan Ridge AIC.
    1 point
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