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Everything posted by alighafourian

  1. its end of intel base Mac OS we get 15.0 but doesn't get 15.1 I think 15.0 last intel macOS support
  2. use amfi kext 1.4.1 and remove bootarg amfi=0x80 also see my git I'm use dw1820a and wifi work fine in beta3 https://github.com/Edwardwich/BCM-WIFI-Sequoia
  3. add OpenLinuxBoot.efi to : oc/driver open config go to UEFI and driver tab then add OpenLinuxBoot.efi OpenLinuxBoot.efi.zip
  4. https://github.com/Edwardwich/BCM-WIFI-Sequoia/blob/main/README.md
  5. No just I try and it's work as sonoma everything work perfect now
  6. any one can try this version of oclp ? https://github.com/dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/actions/runs/9783955206
  7. Maybe need add this future to future unlock.kext for working this
  8. Can u send screen shot of wifi and system information>network>wifi
  9. Work without amfi=0x80 in boot arg but wifi same as before
  10. We need wait fir new release of oclp they release another patch for mac os 15 but not patching Bootarg amfi=0x80 make all this problem and amfipass.kext dosnt work with this bootarg
  11. keep it enable and add amfi=0x80 in bootarg system booted after apply root patch but only problem I have I can't seen wifi only way to connect use other and type wifi name and pass to connect for me airplay and airdrop also work login in git hub after that u can download
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