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  1. @fabiosun I've used the AMD friend command line method but I'm still having pop up windows (shown above) asking me to use my login twice each time a new Adobe app opens, and also still not being able to get Puget Bench to run without failing on that one screen I shared above. Any solutions? Thanks!
  2. @fabiosun ever since I used the sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - command (on a few of the lib files inside AE contents), I have been getting these popping up and keep happening even though I'm clicking "always allow". Do I need to use the Adobe repair tool to reset these permissions? Or is there something else I need to codesign?
  3. That's what I thought, but always good to ask first. I see that I simply enter my filepath and that's all the program sees. Thanks!
  4. Thanks! I saw that github page but was unclear if it would interfere with the HackinDROM that I'm using for my system. Does it only patch apps and binaries and won't mess with the system?
  5. I patched the AE (beta) v22.3.0 (build 97) using your 3 attached files (and then code signing each) but when running the Puget Systems PugetBench, I got the following error:
  6. Hi! I joined because of what I'm calling "The Italian Job" 🇮🇹 method of getting Adobe to work with AMD that @tomnic discovered/created. 🙏 Thank you! I am currently running a Gigabyte B550 Vision D board with AMD 3950x by following this thread
  7. Also, does this mean that I need to go through the whole process of adding (replacing?) libfakeintel.dylib to Applications folder, etc. EACH TIME I reboot and want to use Adobe? If not, then what does "everything" mean in your statement "to revert everything back..." ?
  8. I've gone through this thread several times, followed everything to the letter, but I still cannot even get Photoshop's object selection tool to work without crashing Ps, let alone warp stabilizer in Ae. Is there some step I'm missing or misunderstanding? FYI, it took me a while to figure out what filepath you meant in regards to Contents>Framework. And now that I'm looking again, I also replaced the Photoshop with the libiomp5.dylib file. You probably only meant to have the user replace AE? That might be better stated... I am going to attempt to uninstall Ps and reinstall now to get the original libiomp5.dylib back.
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