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  1. Ciao alla fine son riuscito a bootare solamente aggiungendo il flag agdpmod=pikera nella sezione di boot!!! ora ho solo qualche problema con l'audio mi consigli di aprire una nuova discussione?
  2. Ciao ragazzi circa 2 settimane fa ho comprato e aggiornato la mia scheda video, montando una sapphire RX 5700XT Nitro + questo il mio vecchio topic. mi permetto di citare gli utenti che più mi avevano aiutato nell'impresa: @Gengik84 e particolarmente @fabiosun se non è un problema.. scusate il disturbo... il device id è 1002:731f , da gestione dispositivi di windows son riuscito a estrapolare queste info "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_731F&SUBSYS_E4091DA2&REV_C1\6&12A60986&0&00000018" ora vi allego anche la mia efi cosa devo modificare esattamente stavo leggendo la guida di dortiana ma mi sono perso nella traduzione in esadecimale, aiutatemi raga ahahahah ! e sec voi basta solo editare il device pci per farla funzionare? per ora cosìì com'è si blocca al boot osx con un boot che inizialmente sembra funzionare poi rimane con schermo nero..... allego efi EFI.7z
  3. Ciao ragazzi, ma non c'era un topic così?? In questo topic, pensavo che ogni utente postasse le foto della propria postazione hackintosh, che ne dite?? scusate se magari è una copia e c'era già questo topic, nel caso lo cancellerò inizio io!!!!! le specifiche sono tutte in firma ! mouse zowie fk1 tastiera uso una leopold fc990r e come cuffie ho delle beyerdinamics dt990 !!
  4. APPENA AGGIORNATO ! TUTTO ANDATO PERFETTO! è UNA BOMBA STO HACK.... raga a sto punto non so che dire, grazie grazie veramente!
  5. Raga non ci crederete ahahah ma è bastato cambiare il dispositivo di uscita / qualcosa e ora si sente ahahah ora il dubbio è: posso aggiornare ? si sminchia tutto se aggiorno? i kext dovrei avere tutti gli ultimi quindi non dovrei aver problemi no?
  6. ho messo opencore nella efi del disco di osx , va benissimo adesso e boota senza chiavetta! un sogno! il layout dove lo metto? AppleALC c'è già
  7. essi' il problema era il bios della gpu che appunto da gpuz non segnava uefi poi ho flashato quel bios ed è andato tutto bene. ah ok top, ma ora opencore è salvato nella chiavetta o nel mbr ? cosa devo fare per installarlo nel mbr ? e per l'audio , ho un ALC1150 , l'ho trovato su github ma ci sono tanti xml da prendere e un solo plist , dove li metto ? cosa ne faccio ? sto provando con questo programmino devo montare la efi del disco di osx giusto ??
  8. ma non posso direttamente aggiornare questo qua ? o sennò rifaccio la chiavetta con gibsmac a sto punto... p.s. ho visto che opencore allega i log ecco il mio ultimo log di boot. 00:000 00:000 OC: OpenCore DBG-057-2020-03-26 is loading in Optional mode (0/0)... 00:036 00:036 OC: Boot timestamp - 2020.06.07 06:12:45 00:072 00:036 OCCPU: MP services threads 12 (enabled 12) - Success 00:109 00:036 OCCPU: MP services Pkg 1 Cores 6 Threads 2 - Success 00:145 00:036 OCCPU: Found Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6800K CPU @ 3.40GHz 00:185 00:039 OCCPU: Signature 406F1 Stepping 1 Model 4F Family 6 Type 0 ExtModel 4 ExtFamily 0 uCode B000036 00:221 00:035 OCCPU: Detected Apple Processor Type: 07 -> 0706 00:257 00:036 OCCPU: Ratio Min 12 Max 34 Current 34 Turbo 38 38 36 36 00:293 00:036 OCCPU: Timer address is 408 from LPC 00:430 00:136 OCCPU: CPUFrequencyFromTSC 3399993770Hz 3399MHz 00:466 00:035 OCCPU: CPUFrequency 3399993770Hz 3399MHz 01:899 01:433 OCCPU: FSBFrequency 99999816Hz 99MHz 01:935 00:036 OCCPU: Pkg 1 Cores 6 Threads 12 01:972 00:036 OC: OcLoadNvramSupport... 02:008 00:036 OC: Deleting NVRAM 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:UIScale - Not Found 02:044 00:036 OC: Deleting NVRAM 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:DefaultBackgroundColor - Not Found 02:080 00:035 OC: Deleting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:boot-args - Not Found 02:120 00:039 OC: Setting NVRAM 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:DefaultBackgroundColor - Success 02:156 00:036 OC: Setting NVRAM 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:UIScale - Success 02:192 00:036 OC: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:SystemAudioVolume - Success 02:228 00:036 OC: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:boot-args - Success 02:264 00:035 OC: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:csr-active-config - Success 02:300 00:035 OC: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:prev-lang:kbd - Success 02:335 00:035 OC: Current version is DBG-057-2020-03-26 02:375 00:039 OC: OcLoadUefiSupport... 02:410 00:035 AIFTimerBoostInit Current timer is 549254 02:457 00:046 AIFTimerBoostInit changed period 549254 to 50000 03:881 01:424 gST->ConIn 38D93908 vs found 38D93908 03:917 00:035 OCABC: Firmware has 4147935 free pages (215775 in lower 4 GB) 03:953 00:036 OC: Got 3 drivers 03:991 00:038 OC: Driver ApfsDriverLoader.efi at 0 is being loaded... 04:031 00:039 OC: Driver ApfsDriverLoader.efi at 0 is successfully loaded! 04:067 00:036 OC: Driver ApfsDriverLoader.efi at 0 needs connection. 04:104 00:037 OC: Driver HFSPlus.efi at 1 is being loaded... 04:140 00:036 OC: Driver HFSPlus.efi at 1 is successfully loaded! 04:176 00:035 OC: Driver HFSPlus.efi at 1 needs connection. 04:212 00:035 OC: Driver OpenRuntime.efi at 2 is being loaded... 04:275 00:063 OC: Driver OpenRuntime.efi at 2 is successfully loaded! 04:312 00:036 OC: Connecting drivers... 04:684 00:372 OC: Connecting drivers done... 04:721 00:036 OCC: Installing GOP (Unsupported) on ConsoleOutHandle... 04:758 00:036 OC: Requested resolution is 0x0@0 (max: 1) from Max 04:794 00:035 OCC: Requesting 0x0@0 (max: 1) resolution, curr 0, total 7 04:832 00:038 OCC: Mode 0 - 1920x1080:1 04:868 00:035 OCC: Mode 1 - 640x480:1 04:904 00:035 OCC: Mode 2 - 800x600:1 04:940 00:036 OCC: Mode 3 - 1024x768:1 04:976 00:035 OCC: Mode 4 - 1280x1024:1 05:012 00:035 OCC: Mode 5 - 1400x1050:1 05:051 00:038 OCC: Mode 6 - 1280x960:1 05:086 00:035 OCC: Current mode matches desired mode 0 05:122 00:035 OC: Changed resolution to 0x0@0 (max: 1) from Max - Success 05:159 00:036 OCC: Using builtin text renderer with 1 scale 05:209 00:049 OCC: Install console control (386599C8/0/0), current - Success 05:244 00:035 OC: Requested console mode is 0x0 (max: 0) from 05:279 00:035 OC: Requested not to use audio 05:337 00:057 OC: OcLoadAcpiSupport... 05:373 00:036 OCA: Found 17 ACPI tables 05:409 00:035 OCA: Detected table 50434146 (00002049204D2041) at 3A300EA8 of 268 bytes at index 0 05:448 00:039 OCA: Detected table 43495041 (00002049204D2041) at 3A300FB8 of 256 bytes at index 1 05:484 00:035 OCA: Detected table 54445046 (00002049204D2041) at 3A3010B8 of 68 bytes at index 2 05:519 00:035 OCA: Detected table 54444946 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301100 of 156 bytes at index 3 05:557 00:038 OCA: Detected table 4746434D (00000049204D2041) at 3A3011A0 of 60 bytes at index 4 05:593 00:035 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (6C62615461746153) at 3A3011E0 of 877 bytes at index 5 05:629 00:036 OCA: Detected table 49464555 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301550 of 66 bytes at index 6 05:666 00:036 OCA: Detected table 54455048 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301598 of 56 bytes at index 7 05:711 00:045 OCA: Detected table 5443534D (00002049204D2041) at 3A3015D0 of 144 bytes at index 8 05:746 00:035 OCA: Detected table 54494C53 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301660 of 45 bytes at index 9 05:782 00:035 OCA: Detected table 54415253 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301690 of 4440 bytes at index 10 05:820 00:038 OCA: Detected table 54444457 (00002049204D2041) at 3A3027E8 of 64 bytes at index 11 05:856 00:035 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (00000074674D6D50) at 3A302828 of 86791 bytes at index 12 05:892 00:036 OCA: Detected table 5254494E (00002049204D2041) at 3A317B30 of 113 bytes at index 13 05:928 00:036 OCA: Detected table 54434656 (00002049204D2041) at 3A317BA8 of 65668 bytes at index 14 05:965 00:036 OCA: Detected table 54524742 (00002049204D2041) at 3A327C30 of 56 bytes at index 15 06:000 00:035 OCA: Detected table 21465341 (0000000047434820) at 3A327C68 of 160 bytes at index 16 06:058 00:058 OCA: Inserted table 54445353 (0000434574647353) of 125 bytes into ACPI at index 17 06:095 00:036 OCA: Inserted table 54445353 (0067756C50757043) of 177 bytes into ACPI at index 18 06:131 00:035 OCA: FACS signature is 0 (0) 06:166 00:035 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 50434146 (00002049204D2041) at 3A300EA8 of 268 bytes at index 0 06:202 00:036 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 43495041 (00002049204D2041) at 3A300FB8 of 256 bytes at index 1 06:238 00:035 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445046 (00002049204D2041) at 3A3010B8 of 68 bytes at index 2 06:277 00:038 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54444946 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301100 of 156 bytes at index 3 06:313 00:036 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 4746434D (00000049204D2041) at 3A3011A0 of 60 bytes at index 4 06:349 00:036 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (6C62615461746153) at 3A3011E0 of 877 bytes at index 5 06:385 00:036 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 49464555 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301550 of 66 bytes at index 6 06:422 00:036 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54455048 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301598 of 56 bytes at index 7 06:458 00:036 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 5443534D (00002049204D2041) at 3A3015D0 of 144 bytes at index 8 06:493 00:035 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54494C53 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301660 of 45 bytes at index 9 06:532 00:038 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54415253 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301690 of 4440 bytes at index 10 06:568 00:035 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54444457 (00002049204D2041) at 3A3027E8 of 64 bytes at index 11 06:604 00:036 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (00000074674D6D50) at 3A302828 of 86791 bytes at index 12 06:644 00:040 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 5254494E (00002049204D2041) at 3A317B30 of 113 bytes at index 13 06:680 00:036 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54434656 (00002049204D2041) at 3A317BA8 of 65668 bytes at index 14 06:716 00:035 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54524742 (00002049204D2041) at 3A327C30 of 56 bytes at index 15 06:769 00:053 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 21465341 (0000000047434820) at 3A327C68 of 160 bytes at index 16 06:805 00:036 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (0000434574647353) at 3A7BE000 of 125 bytes at index 17 06:841 00:036 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (0067756C50757043) at 3A7BD000 of 177 bytes at index 18 06:877 00:036 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 50434146 (00002049204D2041) at 3A300EA8 of 268 bytes at index 0 06:914 00:036 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 43495041 (00002049204D2041) at 3A300FB8 of 256 bytes at index 1 06:950 00:036 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445046 (00002049204D2041) at 3A3010B8 of 68 bytes at index 2 06:985 00:035 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54444946 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301100 of 156 bytes at index 3 07:025 00:039 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 4746434D (00000049204D2041) at 3A3011A0 of 60 bytes at index 4 07:061 00:036 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445353 (6C62615461746153) at 3A3011E0 of 877 bytes at index 5 07:097 00:036 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 49464555 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301550 of 66 bytes at index 6 07:133 00:036 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54455048 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301598 of 56 bytes at index 7 07:170 00:036 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 5443534D (00002049204D2041) at 3A3015D0 of 144 bytes at index 8 07:205 00:035 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54494C53 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301660 of 45 bytes at index 9 07:253 00:047 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54415253 (00002049204D2041) at 3A301690 of 4440 bytes at index 10 07:289 00:035 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54444457 (00002049204D2041) at 3A3027E8 of 64 bytes at index 11 07:325 00:036 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445353 (00000074674D6D50) at 3A302828 of 86791 bytes at index 12 07:361 00:036 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 5254494E (00002049204D2041) at 3A317B30 of 113 bytes at index 13 07:397 00:036 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54434656 (00002049204D2041) at 3A317BA8 of 65668 bytes at index 14 07:433 00:035 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54524742 (00002049204D2041) at 3A327C30 of 56 bytes at index 15 07:489 00:056 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 21465341 (0000000047434820) at 3A327C68 of 160 bytes at index 16 07:525 00:035 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445353 (0000434574647353) at 3A7BE000 of 125 bytes at index 17 07:561 00:036 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445353 (0067756C50757043) at 3A7BD000 of 177 bytes at index 18 07:598 00:036 OC: OcLoadPlatformSupport... 07:634 00:036 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:name (9) - Success 07:670 00:036 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:Model (22) - Success 07:705 00:035 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:SystemSerialNumber (26) - Success 07:744 00:038 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:system-id (16) - Success 07:780 00:036 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:board-id (21) - Success 07:816 00:035 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:board-rev (1) - Success 07:856 00:040 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:StartupPowerEvents (8) - Success 07:893 00:036 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:InitialTSC (8) - Success 07:928 00:035 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:FSBFrequency (8) - Success 07:966 00:038 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:DevicePathsSupported (4) - Success 08:002 00:035 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:RPlt (8) - Success 08:039 00:036 OCSMB: Found DMI Anchor 3B01F000 v3.0 Table Address 3B01C000 Length 0FB7 08:075 00:036 OCSMB: Found DMI Anchor 3B01E000 v3.0 Table Address 3B01C000 Length 0FB7 08:112 00:036 OCSMB: Number of CPU cache entries is 3 08:148 00:036 OCSMB: Applying 2899 (1) prev 3B01F000 (4023/31), 3B01E000 (4023/24) 08:183 00:035 OCSMB: Patched 3925C000 v3.2 Table Address 3925D000 Length 0B53 1E 70 08:239 00:055 OC: Setting HW_BID Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94 - Success 08:275 00:035 OC: Setting HW_MLB C02745700CDJG36AD - Success 08:311 00:036 OC: Setting MLB C02745700CDJG36AD - Success 08:348 00:036 OC: Setting FirmwareFeatures FD8FF53E - Success 08:384 00:036 OC: Setting ExtendedFirmwareFeatures 00000000FD8FF53E - Success 08:419 00:035 OC: Setting FirmwareFeaturesMask FF9FFF3F - Success 08:459 00:039 OC: Setting ExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask 00000000FF9FFF3F - Success 08:495 00:036 OC: OcLoadDevPropsSupport... 08:531 00:036 OC: OcMiscLateInit... 08:568 00:036 OC: LoadHandle is 36FE2818 - Success 08:604 00:035 OC: Translated HibernateMode None to 0 08:639 00:035 OC: Hibernation detection status is Not Found 08:679 00:039 OC: OcLoadKernelSupport... 08:715 00:036 OC: OpenCore is loaded, showing boot menu... 08:751 00:036 OCB: Performing OcScanForBootEntries... 08:798 00:047 OCB: Found 10 potentially bootable filesystems 08:834 00:035 OCB: Filesystem 0 (36FE2818) named BOOT (Not Found) has 0 entries 08:870 00:035 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 08:906 00:035 OCBP: Blessed file is missing 08:965 00:059 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing 09:001 00:036 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 09:037 00:036 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\APPLE\X64\BOOT.EFI is missing - Not Found 09:097 00:059 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI is missing - Not Found 09:133 00:036 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \boot.efi is missing - Not Found 09:169 00:035 OCB: Filesystem 1 (36812D18) named Ripristino (Not Found) has 0 entries 09:212 00:042 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 09:249 00:037 OCBP: Blessed file is missing 09:287 00:037 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing 09:325 00:037 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 09:362 00:037 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\APPLE\X64\BOOT.EFI is missing - Not Found 09:401 00:039 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI was found 09:442 00:040 OCB: Filesystem 2 (36812B18) named NO NAME (Success) has 1 entries 09:482 00:040 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 09:519 00:036 OCBP: Blessed file is missing 09:556 00:036 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing 09:592 00:036 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 09:629 00:036 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\APPLE\X64\BOOT.EFI is missing - Not Found 09:665 00:036 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI is missing - Not Found 09:725 00:059 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \boot.efi is missing - Not Found 09:761 00:036 OCB: Filesystem 3 (36812718) named NO NAME (Not Found) has 0 entries 09:798 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 09:835 00:037 OCBP: Blessed file is missing 09:871 00:036 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing 09:907 00:036 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 09:947 00:039 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\APPLE\X64\BOOT.EFI is missing - Not Found 09:983 00:036 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI is missing - Not Found 10:020 00:036 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \boot.efi is missing - Not Found 10:056 00:036 OCB: Filesystem 4 (35D6C098) named EFI (Not Found) has 0 entries 10:093 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 10:129 00:036 OCBP: Blessed file is missing 10:164 00:035 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing 10:204 00:039 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 10:240 00:035 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\APPLE\X64\BOOT.EFI is missing - Not Found 10:277 00:036 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI is missing - Not Found 10:317 00:039 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \boot.efi is missing - Not Found 10:364 00:047 OCB: Filesystem 5 (371A8118) named PRIMO (Not Found) has 0 entries 10:400 00:035 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 10:463 00:063 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (1/3 156) - 02 01 0C 00 D0 41 03 0A 00 00 00 00 01 01 06 00 00 1D 03 05 06 00 00 00 03 05 06 00 06 00 04 01 2A 00 02 00 00 00 00 48 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 CD 01 00 00 00 00 2F 33 1D 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 10:500 00:036 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (2/3 156) - 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 04 04 50 00 5C 00 53 00 79 00 73 00 74 00 65 00 6D 00 5C 00 4C 00 69 00 62 00 72 00 61 00 72 00 79 00 5C 00 43 00 6F 00 72 00 65 00 53 00 65 00 72 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 10:536 00:036 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (3/3 156) - 65 00 73 00 5C 00 62 00 6F 00 6F 00 74 00 2E 00 65 00 66 00 69 00 00 00 7F FF 04 00 10:573 00:036 OCBP: BlessedFileDP - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1D,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/USB(0x6,0x0)/HD(2,MBR,0x261D332F,0x64800,0x1CDB800)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 10:610 00:036 OCBP: Blessed file is valid 10:646 00:036 OCB: Filesystem 6 (36FE2598) named macOS Base System (Success) has 1 entries 10:682 00:035 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35334318 (1, B620FD1F-6A1A-4BB6-A237-D704759D4584, 16) 10:723 00:040 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35334298 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 10:777 00:054 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (1/5 264) - 02 01 0C 00 D0 41 03 0A 00 00 00 00 01 01 06 00 02 1F 03 12 0A 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 04 01 2A 00 02 00 00 00 28 40 06 00 00 00 00 00 60 7E BA D1 01 00 00 00 22 3F 0F 49 60 44 2C 48 B5 6E 31 AA 10:814 00:036 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (2/5 264) - BE 71 9D B4 02 02 04 03 24 00 F7 FC 74 BE 7C 0B F3 49 91 47 01 F4 04 2E 68 42 1F FD 20 B6 1A 6A B6 4B A2 37 D7 04 75 9D 45 84 04 04 9A 00 5C 00 42 00 37 00 30 00 37 00 33 00 36 00 46 00 38 00 10:850 00:036 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (3/5 264) - 2D 00 36 00 41 00 42 00 42 00 2D 00 33 00 38 00 32 00 37 00 2D 00 41 00 32 00 33 00 45 00 2D 00 37 00 39 00 43 00 34 00 41 00 30 00 32 00 31 00 42 00 42 00 39 00 38 00 5C 00 53 00 79 00 73 00 10:886 00:036 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (4/5 264) - 74 00 65 00 6D 00 5C 00 4C 00 69 00 62 00 72 00 61 00 72 00 79 00 5C 00 43 00 6F 00 72 00 65 00 53 00 65 00 72 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 73 00 5C 00 62 00 6F 00 6F 00 74 00 2E 00 65 00 66 00 10:922 00:035 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (5/5 264) - 69 00 00 00 7F FF 04 00 10:961 00:038 OCBP: BlessedFileDP - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,490F3F22-4460-482C-B56E-31AABE719DB4,0x64028,0x1D1BA7E60)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,1FFD20B61A6AB64BA237D704759D4584)/\B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 10:998 00:036 OCBP: Blessed file is valid 11:034 00:036 OCBP: 10 filesystems for APFS - Success 11:071 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 11:108 00:036 OCBP: No APFS info 0 of 10 - Not Found 11:144 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 11:204 00:059 OCBP: No APFS info 1 of 10 - Not Found 11:244 00:039 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 11:281 00:037 OCBP: No APFS info 2 of 10 - Not Found 11:318 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 11:354 00:036 OCBP: No APFS info 3 of 10 - Not Found 11:391 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 11:426 00:035 OCBP: No APFS info 4 of 10 - Not Found 11:467 00:040 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 11:503 00:036 OCBP: No APFS info 5 of 10 - Not Found 11:540 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 11:581 00:041 OCBP: No APFS info 6 of 10 - Not Found 11:618 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35334218 (1, B620FD1F-6A1A-4BB6-A237-D704759D4584, 16) 11:653 00:035 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35334118 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 11:689 00:035 OCBP: APFS match container B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C vs B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C for 7 of 10 - 1 11:725 00:036 OCBP: Missing partition B620FD1F-6A1A-4BB6-A237-D704759D4584 on preboot - Not Found 11:762 00:036 OCBP: No APFS booter 7 of 10 for B620FD1F-6A1A-4BB6-A237-D704759D4584 - Not Found 11:798 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35334098 (1, B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98, 0) 11:834 00:036 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35334198 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 11:870 00:036 OCBP: APFS match container B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C vs B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C for 8 of 10 - 1 11:913 00:042 OCBP: Found partition B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 on preboot 11:969 00:055 OCBP: Want predefined list for APFS 16 at B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 12:006 00:036 OCBP: Predefined B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi was found 12:042 00:036 OCBP: Found APFS booter 8 of 10 for B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 (370D7F08) 12:079 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35333F98 (1, B84730A9-0405-400A-8658-EBA55A0155A1, 4) 12:115 00:036 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35333F18 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 12:151 00:035 OCBP: APFS match container B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C vs B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C for 9 of 10 - 1 12:187 00:036 OCBP: Missing partition B84730A9-0405-400A-8658-EBA55A0155A1 on preboot - Not Found 12:224 00:036 OCBP: No APFS booter 9 of 10 for B84730A9-0405-400A-8658-EBA55A0155A1 - Not Found 12:260 00:036 OCBP: APFS bless for B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C:<null string> is Success 12:297 00:036 OCB: Filesystem 7 (3535E998) named Preboot (Success) has 1 entries 12:334 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35334298 (1, B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98, 0) 12:369 00:035 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35334318 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 12:405 00:035 OCB: Filesystem 8 (3535E518) named Hackintosh HD (Not Found) has 0 entries 12:441 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35334318 (1, B84730A9-0405-400A-8658-EBA55A0155A1, 4) 12:477 00:035 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35334298 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 12:513 00:036 OCB: Filesystem 9 (3535E018) named Recovery (Not Found) has 0 entries 12:549 00:035 OCB: Adding entry 0, external - 0, skip recovery - 0 12:585 00:035 DevicePath - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x1)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,AD-61-B1-71-B8-38-25-00)/HD(2,GPT,F2C5929E-41A9-47B5-8196-31EBCA4142B6,0x109000,0x32000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI 12:621 00:035 OCBP: APFS recovery volume handle missing - \EFI\BOOT\ 12:677 00:055 OCB: Adding entry 1, external - 0, recovery (<null>) - Not Found 12:718 00:041 OCB: Adding entry 1, external - 1, skip recovery - 0 12:754 00:036 DevicePath - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1D,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/USB(0x6,0x0)/HD(2,MBR,0x261D332F,0x64800,0x1CDB800)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 12:811 00:056 OCBP: APFS recovery volume handle missing - \System\Library\CoreServices\ 12:847 00:036 OCB: Adding entry 2, external - 1, recovery (<null>) - Not Found 12:884 00:036 OCB: Adding entry 2, external - 0, skip recovery - 0 12:920 00:036 DevicePath - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,490F3F22-4460-482C-B56E-31AABE719DB4,0x64028,0x1D1BA7E60)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,1FFD20B61A6AB64BA237D704759D4584)/\B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 12:956 00:036 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35334298 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 12:993 00:036 OCBP: 10 filesystems for APFS - Success 13:029 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 13:066 00:036 OCBP: No APFS info 0 of 10 - Not Found 13:102 00:035 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 13:137 00:035 OCBP: No APFS info 1 of 10 - Not Found 13:177 00:039 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 13:214 00:037 OCBP: No APFS info 2 of 10 - Not Found 13:250 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 13:287 00:036 OCBP: No APFS info 3 of 10 - Not Found 13:323 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 13:359 00:035 OCBP: No APFS info 4 of 10 - Not Found 13:413 00:054 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 13:457 00:043 OCBP: No APFS info 5 of 10 - Not Found 13:493 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 13:530 00:036 OCBP: No APFS info 6 of 10 - Not Found 13:567 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35334318 (1, B620FD1F-6A1A-4BB6-A237-D704759D4584, 16) 13:603 00:036 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35334018 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 13:639 00:035 OCBP: APFS match container B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C vs B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C for 7 of 10 - 1 13:675 00:036 OCBP: Missing partition B620FD1F-6A1A-4BB6-A237-D704759D4584 on preboot - Not Found 13:712 00:036 OCBP: No APFS booter 7 of 10 for B620FD1F-6A1A-4BB6-A237-D704759D4584 - Not Found 13:748 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35334318 (1, B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98, 0) 13:785 00:036 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35334018 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 13:821 00:036 OCBP: APFS match container B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C vs B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C for 8 of 10 - 1 13:856 00:035 OCBP: Found partition B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 on preboot 13:892 00:035 OCBP: Want predefined list for APFS 16 at B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 13:929 00:036 OCBP: Predefined B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi was found 13:965 00:036 OCBP: Found APFS booter 8 of 10 for B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 (0) 14:002 00:037 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35334018 (1, B84730A9-0405-400A-8658-EBA55A0155A1, 4) 14:039 00:036 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35334318 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 14:075 00:035 OCBP: APFS match container B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C vs B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C for 9 of 10 - 1 14:130 00:055 OCBP: Missing partition B84730A9-0405-400A-8658-EBA55A0155A1 on preboot - Not Found 14:167 00:036 OCBP: No APFS booter 9 of 10 for B84730A9-0405-400A-8658-EBA55A0155A1 - Not Found 14:203 00:036 OCBP: APFS bless for B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C:B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\System\Library\CoreServices\ is Success 14:240 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35334298 (1, B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98, 0) 14:277 00:036 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35334A98 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 14:313 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 14:349 00:035 OCBP: APFS recovery info 0/10 due to 3B350B88-0000-0000-204D-F63800000000/B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C/0 - Not Found 14:385 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 14:421 00:036 OCBP: APFS recovery info 1/10 due to 3B350B88-0000-0000-204D-F63800000000/B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C/0 - Not Found 14:461 00:039 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 14:499 00:037 OCBP: APFS recovery info 2/10 due to 3B350B88-0000-0000-204D-F63800000000/B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C/0 - Not Found 14:535 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 14:571 00:036 OCBP: APFS recovery info 3/10 due to 3B350B88-0000-0000-204D-F63800000000/B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C/0 - Not Found 14:607 00:035 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 14:643 00:036 OCBP: APFS recovery info 4/10 due to 3B350B88-0000-0000-204D-F63800000000/B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C/0 - Not Found 14:679 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 14:716 00:036 OCBP: APFS recovery info 5/10 due to 3B350B88-0000-0000-204D-F63800000000/B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C/0 - Not Found 14:752 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 14:788 00:036 OCBP: APFS recovery info 6/10 due to 3B350B88-0000-0000-204D-F63800000000/B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C/0 - Not Found 14:842 00:054 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35334298 (1, B620FD1F-6A1A-4BB6-A237-D704759D4584, 16) 14:878 00:035 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35334018 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 14:915 00:036 OCBP: APFS recovery info 7/10 due to B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C/B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C/10 - Success 14:951 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35334018 (1, B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98, 0) 14:995 00:043 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35334298 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 15:031 00:036 OCBP: APFS recovery info 8/10 due to B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C/B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C/0 - Success 15:067 00:035 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35334298 (1, B84730A9-0405-400A-8658-EBA55A0155A1, 4) 15:102 00:035 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35334018 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 15:139 00:036 OCBP: APFS recovery info 9/10 due to B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C/B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C/4 - Success 15:175 00:036 OCFS: Filename \B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\ has trailing slash 15:213 00:037 OCFS: Filename \B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\ has trailing slash 15:249 00:036 OCB: Adding entry 3, external - 0, recovery (\B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\) - Success 15:286 00:036 OCB: Scanning got 4 entries 15:321 00:035 Trying to get label from \EFI\BOOT\.contentDetails 15:362 00:040 Trying to get label from \EFI\BOOT\.disk_label.contentDetails 15:402 00:039 Trying to detect Microsoft BCD 15:441 00:039 OCB: Entry 0 is Windows at \EFI\BOOT\ (T:16|F:0) 15:477 00:036 OCB: Entry 0 is Windows at dp PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x1)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,AD-61-B1-71-B8-38-25-00)/HD(2,GPT,F2C5929E-41A9-47B5-8196-31EBCA4142B6,0x109000,0x32000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI 15:513 00:036 Trying to get label from \System\Library\CoreServices\.contentDetails 15:549 00:035 Trying to get label from \System\Library\CoreServices\.disk_label.contentDetails 15:606 00:056 OCB: Entry 1 is macOS Base System at \System\Library\CoreServices\ (T:2|F:0) 15:643 00:036 OCB: Entry 1 is macOS Base System at dp PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1D,0x0)/USB(0x0,0x0)/USB(0x6,0x0)/HD(2,MBR,0x261D332F,0x64800,0x1CDB800)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 15:679 00:036 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35333F98 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 15:716 00:036 OCBP: 10 filesystems for APFS - Success 15:752 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 15:788 00:036 OCBP: No APFS info 0 of 10 - Not Found 15:824 00:035 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 15:860 00:036 OCBP: No APFS info 1 of 10 - Not Found 15:900 00:039 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 15:937 00:037 OCBP: No APFS info 2 of 10 - Not Found 15:973 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 16:009 00:035 OCBP: No APFS info 3 of 10 - Not Found 16:045 00:035 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 16:081 00:036 OCBP: No APFS info 4 of 10 - Not Found 16:118 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 16:154 00:036 OCBP: No APFS info 5 of 10 - Not Found 16:190 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 16:226 00:035 OCBP: No APFS info 6 of 10 - Not Found 16:261 00:035 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35333E98 (1, B620FD1F-6A1A-4BB6-A237-D704759D4584, 16) 16:317 00:056 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35333E18 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 16:353 00:036 OCBP: APFS match container B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C vs B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C for 7 of 10 - 1 16:390 00:036 OCBP: Missing partition B620FD1F-6A1A-4BB6-A237-D704759D4584 on preboot - Not Found 16:446 00:056 OCBP: No APFS booter 7 of 10 for B620FD1F-6A1A-4BB6-A237-D704759D4584 - Not Found 16:482 00:035 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35333E98 (1, B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98, 0) 16:524 00:041 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35333E18 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 16:559 00:035 OCBP: APFS match container B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C vs B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C for 8 of 10 - 1 16:596 00:036 OCBP: Found partition B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 on preboot 16:633 00:036 OCBP: Want predefined list for APFS 16 at B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 16:669 00:036 OCBP: Predefined B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi was found 16:706 00:036 OCBP: Found APFS booter 8 of 10 for B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 (0) 16:742 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35333D18 (1, B84730A9-0405-400A-8658-EBA55A0155A1, 4) 16:778 00:036 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35333D98 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 16:814 00:036 OCBP: APFS match container B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C vs B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C for 9 of 10 - 1 16:851 00:036 OCBP: Missing partition B84730A9-0405-400A-8658-EBA55A0155A1 on preboot - Not Found 16:887 00:036 OCBP: No APFS booter 9 of 10 for B84730A9-0405-400A-8658-EBA55A0155A1 - Not Found 16:924 00:036 OCBP: APFS bless for B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C:B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\System\Library\CoreServices\ is Success 16:960 00:036 Trying to get label from \B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\System\Library\CoreServices\.contentDetails 16:996 00:035 Trying to get label from \B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\System\Library\CoreServices\.disk_label.contentDetails 17:069 00:073 OCB: Entry 2 is Hackintosh HD at \B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\System\Library\CoreServices\ (T:2|F:0) 17:105 00:036 OCB: Entry 2 is Hackintosh HD at dp PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,490F3F22-4460-482C-B56E-31AABE719DB4,0x64028,0x1D1BA7E60)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,1FFD20B61A6AB64BA237D704759D4584)/\B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi 17:142 00:036 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35333E98 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 17:178 00:036 OCBP: 10 filesystems for APFS - Success 17:215 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 17:251 00:035 OCBP: No APFS info 0 of 10 - Not Found 17:286 00:035 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 17:323 00:036 OCBP: No APFS info 1 of 10 - Not Found 17:362 00:039 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 17:400 00:037 OCBP: No APFS info 2 of 10 - Not Found 17:437 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 17:473 00:036 OCBP: No APFS info 3 of 10 - Not Found 17:509 00:035 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 17:545 00:035 OCBP: No APFS info 4 of 10 - Not Found 17:581 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 17:618 00:036 OCBP: No APFS info 5 of 10 - Not Found 17:656 00:037 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing 17:692 00:036 OCBP: No APFS info 6 of 10 - Not Found 17:728 00:035 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35333F98 (1, B620FD1F-6A1A-4BB6-A237-D704759D4584, 16) 17:783 00:055 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35333B98 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 17:819 00:035 OCBP: APFS match container B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C vs B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C for 7 of 10 - 1 17:856 00:036 OCBP: Missing partition B620FD1F-6A1A-4BB6-A237-D704759D4584 on preboot - Not Found 17:892 00:036 OCBP: No APFS booter 7 of 10 for B620FD1F-6A1A-4BB6-A237-D704759D4584 - Not Found 17:928 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35333F98 (1, B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98, 0) 17:964 00:036 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35333B98 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 18:000 00:035 OCBP: APFS match container B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C vs B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C for 8 of 10 - 1 18:043 00:043 OCBP: Found partition B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 on preboot 18:080 00:036 OCBP: Want predefined list for APFS 16 at B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 18:117 00:036 OCBP: Predefined B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found 18:153 00:036 OCBP: Predefined B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 \EFI\APPLE\X64\BOOT.EFI is missing - Not Found 18:190 00:036 OCBP: Predefined B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI is missing - Not Found 18:226 00:036 OCBP: Predefined B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 \boot.efi was found 18:262 00:035 OCBP: Found APFS booter 8 of 10 for B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98 (0) 18:298 00:036 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 35333C98 (1, B84730A9-0405-400A-8658-EBA55A0155A1, 4) 18:335 00:036 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 35333C18 (1, B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C) 18:372 00:036 OCBP: APFS match container B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C vs B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C for 9 of 10 - 1 18:408 00:036 OCBP: Missing partition B84730A9-0405-400A-8658-EBA55A0155A1 on preboot - Not Found 18:444 00:036 OCBP: No APFS booter 9 of 10 for B84730A9-0405-400A-8658-EBA55A0155A1 - Not Found 18:500 00:056 OCBP: APFS bless for B82E7380-870C-4344-A969-77D6F382D04C:B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\ is Success 18:536 00:035 Trying to get label from \B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\.contentDetails 18:573 00:036 Trying to get label from \B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\.disk_label.contentDetails 18:610 00:036 Trying to detect Microsoft BCD 18:646 00:036 Trying to get recovery from \B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\SystemVersion.plist 18:692 00:045 OCB: Entry 3 is Recovery 10.14.6 at \B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\ (T:4|F:1) 18:727 00:035 OCB: Entry 3 is Recovery 10.14.6 at dp PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,490F3F22-4460-482C-B56E-31AABE719DB4,0x64028,0x1D1BA7E60)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,A93047B805040A408658EBA55A0155A1)/\B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\ 18:763 00:035 OCB: Performing OcShowSimpleBootMenu... 0 18:799 00:035 OCB: BootNext has not been found 18:835 00:036 OCB: BootOrder is unavailable - Not Found 18:872 00:037 OCB: Initial default is 0, fallback 26:277 07:404 OCB: Should boot from Hackintosh HD (T:2|F:0|DEF:0) 26:316 00:038 OCB: Perform boot Hackintosh HD to dp PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,490F3F22-4460-482C-B56E-31AABE719DB4,0x64028,0x1D1BA7E60)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,1FFD20B61A6AB64BA237D704759D4584)/\B70736F8-6ABB-3827-A23E-79C4A021BB98\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi (0/0) 26:394 00:077 OCB: Matching <> args on type 2 0 26:435 00:041 OCOS: OS set: <null> Mac OS X 10.12 26:472 00:036 OCOS: OS set: Apple Inc. Mac OS X 10.12 26:625 00:153 Trying XNU hook on System\Library\PrelinkedKernels\prelinkedkernel 26:790 00:165 Kext reservation size 8069120 27:478 00:687 Result of XNU hook on System\Library\PrelinkedKernels\prelinkedkernel is Success 27:523 00:045 OC: Read kernel version 18.7.0 (180700) 27:580 00:057 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_core_scope_msrs data 226 76 27:616 00:035 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_core_scope_msrs data 226 13200 27:652 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_core_scope_msrs data 226 16384 27:688 00:036 OCAK: Not matching _xcpm_core_scope_msrs data 46 29660 27:726 00:037 OCAK: XcpmCfgLockRel replace count - 2 27:764 00:037 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_pkg_scope_msrs data 416 29660 27:799 00:035 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_pkg_scope_msrs data 508 29660 27:836 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_pkg_scope_msrs data 426 29660 27:872 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_pkg_scope_msrs data 1568 29660 27:915 00:043 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_pkg_scope_msrs data 1612 29660 27:951 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_pkg_scope_msrs data 1594 13276 27:987 00:035 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_pkg_scope_msrs data 1602 13276 28:023 00:035 OCAK: Not matching _xcpm_pkg_scope_msrs data 226 0 28:061 00:037 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 46 29660 28:097 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 416 29660 28:133 00:035 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 432 400 28:169 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 432 8780 28:205 00:035 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 432 20480 28:240 00:035 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 1545 13200 28:294 00:053 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 909 29660 28:330 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 911 29660 28:366 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 391 29660 28:423 00:056 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 392 29660 28:459 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 393 29660 28:494 00:035 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 28:530 00:035 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 28:567 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 28:603 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 28:640 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 28:676 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 28:712 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 28:748 00:035 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 28:784 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 28:820 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 28:856 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 28:892 00:035 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 28:928 00:035 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 28:964 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 29:015 00:051 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 29:051 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 29:087 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 29:124 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 0 0 29:160 00:036 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 2 0 29:195 00:035 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 2 0 29:231 00:035 OCAK: Replacing _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 2 0 29:266 00:035 OCAK: Not matching _xcpm_SMT_scope_msrs data 2 0 862A090600007080 29:345 00:078 OCAK: MiscPwrMgmtRel replace count - 7 29:381 00:036 OCAK: Patched writes to MSR_MISC_PWR_MGMT 29:437 00:056 OCAK: PanicKextDump replace count - 1 29:480 00:042 OCAK: Patch success kext dump 29:517 00:037 OCAK: LapicKernelPanic replace count - 1 29:552 00:035 OCAK: Patch success lapic 29:590 00:037 OCAK: LapicKernelPanicMaster replace count - 1 29:625 00:035 OCAK: Patch success extended lapic 29:708 00:082 OCAK: PowerStateTimeout replace count - 0 29:744 00:035 OCAK: Failed to apply power state patch - Not Found 29:801 00:057 OCAK: AppleCpuPmCfgLock v1 replace count - 10 29:853 00:052 OCAK: Patch v1 success com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement 29:889 00:036 OCAK: AppleCpuPmCfgLock v2 replace count - 0 29:927 00:037 OCAK: IOAHCIBlockStorageV1 replace count - 1 29:963 00:036 OCAK: Patch success com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIBlockStorage V1 29:999 00:036 OCAK: IOAHCIBlockStorageV2 replace count - 0 30:035 00:035 OCAK: Failed to apply patch com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIBlockStorage V2 - Not Found 30:071 00:035 OCAK: RemoveUsbLimitIoP1 replace count - 1 30:106 00:035 OCAK: Patch success com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHostFamily 30:143 00:036 OCAK: RemoveUsbLimitV2 replace count - 1 30:180 00:036 OCAK: Patch success com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBXHCI 30:216 00:036 OCAK: AppleIoMapper replace count - 1 30:252 00:036 OCAK: Patch success com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily AppleIoMapper 30:288 00:036 OCAK: IncreasePciBarSize replace count - 1 30:324 00:035 OCAK: Patch success com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily IncreasePciBarSize 30:381 00:057 OC: Prelink injection Lilu.kext (Patch engine) - Success 30:429 00:047 OC: Prelink injection VirtualSMC.kext (SMC emulator) - Success 30:478 00:049 OC: Prelink injection WhateverGreen.kext (Video patches) - Success 30:521 00:042 OC: Prelink injection VoodooTSCSync.kext (TSC Sync adjust) - Success 30:569 00:048 OC: Prelink injection AppleALC.kext (Audio patches) - Success 30:642 00:072 OC: Prelink injection IntelMausiEthernet.kext (Ethernet Bluetooth) - Success 30:685 00:043 OC: Prelink injection NVMeFix.kext (NVME Fix) - Success 30:733 00:047 OC: Prelink injection USBInjectAll.kext (USB) - Success 30:803 00:069 Prelinked status - Success 30:849 00:045 OCSMC: SmcReadValue Key 4D535463 Size 1 30:885 00:035 OCSMC: SmcReadValue Key 4D534163 Size 2 p.s. allego screenshot che secondo me non vedete da nessuna parte (si ho un monitor a 240hz) apple a 240hz ahahahah!!
  9. grazie a tutti! Grazie a questo forum son riuscito dinuovo a fare il mio hackintosh! Grandissimi!
  10. RAGAZZZI NON SO COME SON RIUSCITO MA TRA UN FLASH E UN ALTRA COSA é partito A SCHERMO INTERO! SI PUÒ FAREHH!!!! INSTALLAZIONE COMPLETATA, ora mi manca solo: -audio (non si sente...) -installare opencore nella mbr del pc, senza usare sempre la chiavetta... sto cercando ma non trovo guide.... p.s . alla fine dopo aver fatto la efi , potrei installare pure catalina ma a sto punto tengo così com'è dopo casomai lo metterò....per ora tengo mojave... idee!? tutto ciò grazie a fabiosun !!!! solo grazie a te che mi hai fatto mettere opencore invece di clover!!!
  11. comunqye la mia gpu non ha il bios per funzionare in uefi e sto cambiando il bios alla gpu per farla funzionare in uefi (tanto ha dual bios) ps. flashato con successo un bios uefi almeno così dice gpu-z
  12. amche col dvi-d non cambia nulla ora provo col flag vedere se parte vesa in dvi-d
  13. sto provando adesso con -radvesa rimane bloccato qua sono 10minuti che aspetto ho provato 3 volte se partiva, fatto pure un clearcmos della mobo ma non parte proprio così ora provo con il dvi-d invece del displayport
  14. che vedo solo una parte di schermo e le finestre non ci stanno non riesco a spostarle per andare a cliccare su ok son riuscito a formattare l'hdd cmq
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