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Everything posted by Lorys89

  1. @Balamut @DSM2 try with this SSDT-Test.aml.zip
  2. Let me know outcome with Catalina
  3. Do you have latest bios version?
  4. Use the recovery, do the tests quickly You can try other test with this kext https://github.com/acidanthera/CpuTscSync/releases/download/1.0.9/CpuTscSync-1.0.9-RELEASE.zip
  5. Can you try Catalina? To raise a doubt .. Use usbinjectall and the active xhcportlimit quirks
  6. Have you created the new efi? With only the essentials?
  7. add this and reboot SSDT-Test.aml.zip
  8. booter /quirks is bad use this : config.plist.zip
  9. Are the bios settings correct? Above 4g enabled Csm disabled Fastboot and secureboot disabled Resize gpu bar? How did you set it up?
  10. If you want you can leave the debug, I said just to speed up 😝
  11. Let me explain, w790 has a novelty, rtc is not inside lpc0, but is inside pc00.
  12. Take ssdt of my last efi, and you use it in the best efi you've tried so far, but you only have to use my ssdt without other active, and you let me know. Use basic efi, minimal kext and no serial debugging
  13. @Balamut Hi already done the mmio whitelist tests with @DSM2 In my opinion it does not depend on mmio, but in the last efi postata, activate the quirks and try oe 3 regions mmio
  14. @Balamut @DSM2 test this efi EFI.zip
  15. Linkami il file del bios che me lo estraggo e vedo di default a quanto è settato il dvmt pre e total
  16. Vai nella sezione uefi /output e su initialMode ci scrivi Auto e salvi
  17. @DSM2 @Balamut try this efi EFI.zip
  18. With last efi try to start an os already installed and I pass the log
  19. ok try this EFI.zip and this EFI.zip
  20. Try to start or install big sur, I will soon look at everything you posted.
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